YEAR 2019


English (101)

Kiswahili (102)

Biology (231)

Physics (232)

Chemistry (233)

General Science (237)

History & Government (311)

Geography (312)

Christian Religious Education (313)

Islamic Religious Education (314)

Home Science (441)

Art and Design (442)

Agriculture (443)


Metalwork (445)

Building Construction (446)

Power Mechanics (447)

Electricity (448)

Drawing and Design (449)

Aviation Technology (450)

Computer Studies(451)

French (501)

German (502)

Arabic (503)

Kenyan Sign Language (504)

Music (511)

Business Studies (565)

YEAR 2018

Mathematics (121)

English (101)

Kiswahili (102)

Biology (231)

Physics (232)

Chemistry (233)

General Science (237)

History & Government (311)

Geography (312)

Christian Religious Education (313)

Islamic Religious Education (314)

Home Science (441)

Art and Design (442)

Agriculture (443)


Metalwork (445)

Building Construction (446)

Power Mechanics (447)

Electricity (448)

Drawing and Design (449)

Aviation Technology (450)

Computer Studies(451)

French (501)

German (502)

Arabic (503)

Kenyan Sign Language (504)

Music (511)

Business Studies (565)

YEAR 2017

Mathematics (121)

English (101)

Kiswahili (102)

Biology (231)

Physics (232)

Chemistry (233)

General Science (237)

History & Government (311)

Geography (312)

Christian Religious Education (313)

Islamic Religious Education (314)

Home Science (441)

Art and Design (442)

Agriculture (443)


Metalwork (445)

Building Construction (446)

Power Mechanics (447)

Electricity (448)

Drawing and Design (449)

Aviation Technology (450)

Computer Studies(451)

French (501)

German (502)

Arabic (503)

Kenyan Sign Language (504)

Music (511)

Business Studies (565)

Hindu Religious Education